Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Book of Wisdom

Read the following notes, essays, and reflections which I've written for our topic on the Book of Wisdom. Click on the links.

2. Living Wisely: Philanthropia in the Book of Wisdom. This is part of the talk that I recently gave to the participants of a Bible study on the occasion of the National Bible Month.

3. Digression on Mercy in the Book of Wisdom. (I presented this paper at the annual convention of the Catholic Biblical Association of the Philippines (July 2016) and published it in DIWA 42 (2017): 29-45.  You may also click on the image below for shorter version published in Sambuhay.

4. A Note on Hope and Immortality in the Book of Wisdom. I wrote this short article for DIWA 37 (2011): 56-62.